Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Is It Summer Already?

Dover Loop Plus: 26.70 miles
TANDEM: Ride Time was 1 hour 57 minutes, average speed: 13.6

The temperature was in the 70’s when we were released from work so we decided to cancel our plans to shop for groceries and instead rushed home to get more miles on the tandem. Each ride we try to increase our miles while daylight allows. We added six miles to our usual Dover Loop by continuing on towards Eyota before looping back towards Dover. We stopped for our usual meal at the Roadhouse and while eating we were warned of the threatening weather heading our way. The sky was looking quite dark to the west as we began pedaling back towards home. We made it home safe and sound and still dry.

imageLooks like there is some rain off to the west—pedal faster!

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